Quality Control

Measuring Laboratory

High-precision parts can only be produced with premium quality inspection tools and highly skilled professionals.

One of the most important aspects of our company is adhering to our partners' high-quality requirements. Therefore, we place great emphasis on employing highly skilled professionals. With the help of our measuring laboratory and quality inspectors, the rejection rate is only 0.2%, ensuring exceptional reliability and consistently high-quality products.

Additionally, we operate a climate-controlled measuring laboratory, equipped with more than 250 types of measuring tools.

  • ZOLLER Smile 420 Tool Presetter
  • TESA Micro-Hite 3D Manual 474 Coordinate Measuring Machine
  • TESA Hite 400 Height Gauge
  • CMM Micro 3D Coordinate Measuring Machine
  • MITUTOYO HD 600mm Digital Height Gauge
  • Taylor-Hobson Surtronic 3P Roughness Tester
  • Mitutoyo-Tesa Various Calipers and Micrometers
  • Thread Gauges